Educating to differences and gender equality
Educational Institution/Organization
Istituto Comprensivo Frosinone 3
Italy, Lazio
Area/s of intervention
Access, Workforce, Curriculum, Governance & funding
On one hand, the main objective of the Practice aims at training the teachers on issues concerning school inclusion and the promotion of diversity as a positive factor; on the other hand, the Practice aims at boosting positive messages, best practices and operational tools for implementing educational methodologies specifically addressing gender equality in the early childhood education sector.
Short description of the activities
The Practice has been carried out by implementing face-to-face training for teachers as well as by arranging specific meetings focused on designing and developing educational paths that have been replicated during classes. In addition to that, teachers had the chance to acquire methodologies and strategies aimed at promoting, for example, interculturalism as well as gender equality. Through the realization of educational laboratories, the specific and transversal competencies of the teachers involved have been enhanced enabling them to better help children from preschool and primary school to detect and deal with gender-related stereotypes. As a result of this, teachers acquired best practices fostering social inclusion at school and preventing school dropout and ghettoization.
The Practice has contributed to
- Improve access to quality ECEC services and in an inclusive way
- Support the professionalisation of staff working in ECEC contexts, including managerial staff
- Enhance the development of curricula based on pedagogical goals, values and approaches that enable children to reach their full potential in a holistic way
- Ensure adequate funding and a legal framework for the provision of ECEC services.
Target group
Around 60-80 teachers from preschool, primary and secondary schools
March – May 2017