Online Database of good practices

The online database of Good Practices of the BEYOND project is now available.
The database is the results of a collection of inputs from the ECEC Communities and professionals across Europe, and it has been devised to collect and give visibility to examples of best practices related to educational projects aimed at removing gender stereotypes and fostering gender equality among children in Early Childhood and Education Care settings.
The online repository is structured as to classify the practices in the 5 Key Areas identified by the Proposal for key principles of a Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care and adopted by the COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on High-Quality Early Childhood Education and Care Systems:
- Access
- Workforce
- Curriculum
- Governance & Funding
- Monitoring & evaluation
The 5 sections of the database contain descriptions, photos and material that can be used as a source of inspiration for future initiatives to counteract gender-related biases since early childhood.
The call for best practices is still open to anyone getting in touch with the project, and it is possible to share with us innovative best practices for the promotion of a gender discrimination-free educational environment.
#BeyondEquality #earlyyears #education #equalopportunities #equalitymatters