Unfold the story

Educational Institution/Organization
Kindergarten “Luigi Nobili”

Italy, Umbria

Area/s of intervention
Access, Workforce, Curriculum

The Practice is aimed at enabling children to develop and reinforce their social skills, improving problem solving abilities as well as stimulating them to adopt behaviours which counter gender-based stereotypes and to freely make choices.

Short description of the activities
The Practice adopts the dynamic and participative approach “unfold the story” with the aim of involving children in role-games activities and in reading/listening to a story. The story is divided in sequences, which are visually shown to the children using a ribbon or a thread, on which the sequences are hung with small clips. During the dramatization of the story, the children play the roles of the characters, chosen freely by themselves and regardless of their gender. During the performance, the gestures, words and actions of the characters in the story are punctually respected, with full awareness of the role they play. Through the adoption of this practical methodology, it is boosted the active engagement, cooperation and inclusion of the children.

The Practice has contributed to
- Improve access to quality ECEC services and in an inclusive way
- Support the professionalisation of staff working in ECEC contexts, including managerial staff
- Enhance the development of curricula based on pedagogical goals, values and approaches that enable children to reach their full potential in a holistic way.

Target group
Children from 3 to 6 years old (Overall: 20 children) and 2 teachers

Self funded

Four weeks during the school year